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At the end of Strandgaten is a branch
of the famous Danish designstore
Illum Bolighus.
Here are also several cafes, like
Colonilen Fetevare, Søstrene Hagelin
and Burger King.
At the end of Strandgaten you face
Muren, an old stone building which
used to be the gate to Bergen. If you
pass this building, you enter Gågaten,
another shopping area in Bergen.
In addition to Torgalmenningen,
Strandgaten is where you find the
most high-end stores. Strandgaten is
passing in front of Torgalmenningen
when you face the Fish Marked.
Here are high-end clothing stores, two
huge book stores, the Porsche
showroom, opticians, a farmacy and
the old shopping center Kløverhuset,
which are now turned into a hotel with
shops on the ground floor.
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