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In January 2022 Sundt sadly had to
close its door for a two year period
due to construction challenges. The
iconic functional building from 1938,
designed by architect Per Grieg, has to
be completely rehabilitated after rust
damage was found on the
The owners use this opportunity to
bring the building back to its former
glory, which is challenging since it has
been listed since 1998.
With its great location at
Torgalmenningen, Sundt has always
been one of the most important
shopping venues in Bergen. Earlier it
was a large department store like the
ones we know from London and Paris.
This has changed, however. The last
20 years or so, different brand stores
opened in their own areas of the
building. Sundt is still organized like a
department store with makeup and
perfunes, apparels and accessories on
the ground floor and clothes further
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